Natürliche, selbstgerührte Seife... es gibt kaum etwas angenehmeres und heilsameres für die Haut! Seife zu rühren, bietet unendliche Kreativitäts-Freiräume. Wer etwas Forschergeist , Phantasie und Mut besitzt, wird begeistert sein und Mühe haben, dem Suchtpotenzial dieses Hobbies zu widerstehen...
8 Kommentare:
Meine guten Wünsche sollen Dein Vorhaben unterstützen! Das wird sicher gut werden!!
vielen Dank!
I used to look at your other blog (Seifee) but it is not possible any more. It says "Permission denied". Is this normal? What can I do about it?
I used to look at your other blog (Seifee) but it is not possible any more. It says "Permission denied". Is this normal? What can I do about it?
it should be ok by now? if not, please dont hesitate, to tell me so, thank you!
Yes, it's fine now. What happened? Is it possible to register with your blog so that I am notified when there is something new?
just a few problems with "blogger" - nothing serious-
you can subscribe my blog as a "follower" on the top of the right side, if you wish to
just a few problems with "blogger" - nothing serious-
you can subscribe my blog as a "follower" on the top of the right side, if you wish to
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