No. 614
Dokumentation des Swirlens:
mein Divi ist sehr klein, er fasst ca 550 gr GFM
dann kann ich die Stücke einmal, horizontal durchschneiden...
zum Färben habe ich Tonerden und Oxide genommen
beduftet wurde mit einer schönen Mischung, bei der Palmarosa im Vordergrund steht
6 Kommentare:
Another set of beautifil soaps! What sort of clay or oxyde did you use to get such a tender blue? I thought blue did not exist as an oxyde. I tried a blue clay that I bought from Gisella Manske. It looks beautiful in the bag, but it loses its colour as it is saponified. ( I once tried it on my face, as a mask, and I turned blue as a smurf! I was actually panicked I would stay blue!!! ) Thank you for all, I learn so much from you!!
this blue is washed blue clay from australia, but its very very pale, so I have added some indigotin....you cought me ;-)
I never tried indigo. I read it made the bubbles blue... I may have a go!!
Indigo (CI 73000) is different from Indigotin (CI 73015)
Indigotin is Food blue1, E 132
it looks nearly like an ultramarine blue, not quite as strong and bright, but realy blue. Indigo blue is darker, a little dull, and it is not all that easy to work with, and to get a nice blue into your soap. Indigotin behaves very well....it does not bleed
the blue clay, Manske sells, is a mixture of kaolin (white clay) and ultramarine blue....
So, I should not lose time trying indigo blue if it is dull and hard to work with. Thank you for your advice! I ordered several new blue micas from U-makeitup, as I saw you advised them on your Pigmente page. This will give me new opportunities for play!
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